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Essential Oils Massage

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The Essential Oils Massage combines the artistry of aromatherapy with massage; and is a gentle application using a combination of reflexology, massage techniques and the layering of 9 Young Living essential oils which are applied on the reflex points of your feet and along the spine to bring balance to the body.


The Essential Oils help align the energy centers of the body and release blockages to bring balance to the body with a relaxing sensation.  After a Raindrop Massage you may feel more relaxed or energetic, focused, relief from stress and anxiety; depending on what your body needs at the time of the healing session.


This technique and massage help support a healthy immune system and supports the body systems on a physical and emotional level and is an effective detoxification assisting in eliminating symptoms associated with cold and flu and other common conditions.


 A very gentle therapy and offers you the opportunity to completely relax while improving your overall well being on all levels.

Essential Oils used during the Essential Oils Massage
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